Monday, March 22, 2010


 Let’s think about how your doctor’s practice will be affected with the new health reform bill now a reality.  Since most doctors will not be allowed to order as many tests to make diagnoses, the physical examination will be more important.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs.
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Dear readers, welcome to the world of national healthcare.

Most lawmakers have no idea of the dynamics of medical care.  Physician input on this reform did not exist.  Let’s think about how your doctor’s practice will be affected.

Since most doctors will not be allowed to order as many tests to make diagnoses, the physical examination will be more important.   Most doctors today are rusty and hasty in their examinations.   They will need to now listen to you the patient more closely, finally look at you and make a hasty judgmental diagnosis.

 Since many tests will not be ordered, your doctor will not always be right.   You the patient will encounter more pain and suffering, and your options will include seeking a lawyer for compensation. This will result in doctors choosing which patients are likely to sue, and send them elsewhere.   Medicaid patients, with a low income, will not be welcome and will be shunted to physician assistants who will play doctor in your medical care.

 Since the waiting rooms will be full, your doctor will be required to work fast.  Working fast results in errors. He will hire nurses, or better yet practical nurses to screen your symptoms.

 Group practices of doctors will be streamlined. The young doctor, with all the latest knowledge, will be eliminated from the practice for financial reasons.   Older physicians, on the cusp of retiring, will hasten their decision to retire. This will result in increasing shortage of doctors.

 The successful busy doctors now, will eliminate you the Medicare patient from their practices, and seek patients under the age of 65.   At least, they will be allowed to do more testing, and have less legal liabilities.

 Office testing will be nonexistent.   Doctors, who will work under the shield of hospitals, will be the only ones able to order non-routine testing.   Hospitals in the name of   financial savings, will limit the number of physician employees they have.  You the general public will be asked to volunteer your services to the hospital.   Employees who remain will become servants of the government and the hospital. There will be no innovative surgery, and all medical treatment will come from the guideline cookbook of Harvard University, and thus eliminating wasteful spending.

 Quality position papers are now being prepared to show the latest drugs are useless, and the drugs were used in 1980 are superb.    It will be shown that new surgical techniques cannot extend your life, and hence should not be used.

Intensive care units will be limited to patients who have a quality life score of at least 10 years.   If you are projected to die within the next 10 years, that is you are 75 or older, your care and hospital stay will be very limited.  You will, however, obtain access to free consultation on how the end of your life can be shortened and made more pleasant.

 You, the patient, will be shuffled from clinic to clinic, and your medical care will be delayed.    Every doctor, will tell you your case is unusual, and requires more delicate investigation. Meanwhile your disease, will progress.   If your illness requires surgery, to again delay treatment, medical treatment and pills will be required for several months before surgery   is approved 

 If you live in the country, expect to travel to a large medical center to receive your treatment. Several appointments will be required, since it will take three weeks for every procedure to be approved, or more likely denied, by a Medicare secretary.

 Since 15% of our economy revolves around medical care, it is a great source of revenue saving.   Hospital staffs will be trimmed, treatment centers will be localized, and your medical care will be limited.

 You will however, have great access to legal services, where you will be defended, your case will be embellished, and your offsprings will be compensated for your demise.

 If you have been contemplating a medical procedure, as a knee replacement, get your surgery done as soon as possible.  Don’t wait until you are 65, and a Medicare recipient.

Stay healthy, eat your seaweed, and fill up your gas tank for your numerous medical visits.   Protect your estate by making a will, because your life expectancy has suddenly decreased.

 Let us remember the first day of spring 2010, when national health care became a reality.    Folks, “you ain’t seen anything yet!”

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1 comment:

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