Monday, March 1, 2010


The health-care summit called by Pres. Obama on a snowy day is now over.  Their healthcare subject has aroused passion especially among the senior citizens.  But now is the time for reconciliation.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs
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The health-care summit called by Pres. Obama on a snowy day is now over.  Their healthcare subject has aroused passion especially among the senior citizens.  But now is the time for reconciliation.


Democratic congressional leaders give long speeches that added nothing to the policy discussion. The president tried to keep his agenda and kept Republicans from talking about issues he felt unimportant.

 The actions of speaker Pelosi tell it all.  Nancy, always a lady, properly dressed and attractive, gave a speech, reminiscent of a Democratic fundraiser speech, both dull and without fresh ideas.  It was filled with clichés and reminded everyone there is no time to start over.
 She constantly looked at the cameras, giving an air of strength to squash her congressional opponents.


 The Republicans came alive, all client areas of potential agreement, and made coherent arguments of why Americans do not support this bill. They recited good ideas in reducing health care costs, tort reform,  and argued the bill should start over.

  They   reminded their Democratic colleagues , that they have worked successfully with Democrats on energy and education, with good results.   As they suggested a much smaller shorter cleaner bill that would tackle discrete problems, the president looked down, took notes, and his demeanor turned to hostility. In politics, it’s hard to control your face.

 Finally they warned the Democrats about paying this bill through the Senate with 51 votes, by rewriting the rules of 17% of the economy through reconciliation.


The whole event was an ambush.  The president controlled the microphone and the cameras. The president tried to make the Republicans look ill prepared and paint them as obstructionists for the cameras

 His manner showed a tendency to dominant, command, and subtle bullying.   If he were trying to sway the minds of people, reach out and build support, he would act otherwise. This was not his plan. 

 He quickly let it be known that this was his meeting, he would decide who would speak next, and we should wrap things up. After all he was the teacher, the lecturer, and he arranged a meeting.

 He waved his shiny pen like a sword, eager to show depth to his points. He mentioned his opening remarks of 30 minutes were necessary and legitimate sense, “ I am the president.”  His opening remarks emphasized how concerned he was about deficits and his plight of the sick and uninsured.” If we do nothing, costs will get worse. We must work prudently not recklessly.”  He relayed the story of his mother’s last days, which were consumed by arguing with insurance companies.

 He brought up statements were the Republicans criticized and called for "changes in the US healthcare.  Politics seems to be trumping common sense. Let’s reason together and focus on what we agree on.”

 When the Republicans spoke, Obama watched stony faced, taking notes, and taking the camera off them by calling his aides and conferring with them.  When Mr. Obama spoke, the Republicans all looked at him and gave him full attention.   He reminded Senator  McCain “ John the campaign is over, I am the president.”


 The Democrats were not open to new ideas and there were no concessions made to Republicans. The original bipartisan gesture was a camouflage to show good faith.  The president dismissed off criticism of backroom deals and implied the possible use of reconciliation.


 The Democrats look to push this bill through Congress. They have been  put under pressure to fall into line. The groundwork has been laid for Congress to pass the bill using budget reconciliation.  Reconciliation is a maneuver designed to pass provisions that affect the federal budget.  It only requires a simple majority in the Senate.


 Obama is moving forward pushing reconciliation over Republican objections.    He knows the public supports individual components of this bill and that some commonsense rules are needed to regulate insurance coverage in case of illness.   He plans to rebuild your public support after the bill gets passed.

Speaker Pelosi stated that this bill as political risks but we are here to perpetuate our service in Congress and do a job for the American people and it will take courage.

The Senate Democrats need to pass a bill with changes aimed to appease the House Democrats.  Speaker Polosi is very good at making deals behind closed doors and muscling votes.

 It looks like the Obama plan is to first get the health bill passed, and then later worry  about our opinions as Americans. With November around the corner, this is quite a gamble, and the electoral consequences can be tremendous.

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