Monday, March 22, 2010


To get the 216 votes necessary congressmen had to be bought, bribed, bullied, and pressured to get the win.   We elected a president with his promise to change Washington politics.    He indeed did.  Now voters are furious with the earmarks, insider deals, and lack of transparency.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs.
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 To get the 216 votes necessary congressmen had to be bought, bribed, bullied, and pressured to get the win.  Lets look how it happened.

We elected a president with his promise to change Washington politics.    He indeed did.  Now voters are furious with the earmarks, insider deals, and lack of transparency.

One week ago, New York Rep Louise Slaughter suggested adding a reconsolidation fix to the bill and “deem” the legislation with all its kicks backs and purchases as having passed.

Rallies were held with supportive small groups. 64 meetings were held with Congressman in four days.   The president flew to Pennsylvania to entice five wavering House Democrats.  He flew to Missouri for three wavering Democrats, to Ohio for eight, to Virginia for four more undecided congressional votes.

The president reminded everyone he still has clout with the Democratic base and would use it against them. Half of the previously undecided members caved in and promised yes votes.

Some needed more pressure.   California Rep Jim Costa demanded an increase in water to his Central Valley district. The following day, the Interior department gave the Valley farmers 25% of water supplies rather than the 5% previously allocated. He too said he clipped to a yes vote.

 In Florida Rep Suzanne Kosmos, home to Kennedy Space Center, said she needed more NASA funding.  With a promise, she too flipped to a yes vote.

Tennessee Rep Bart Gordon flipped as he was guaranteed $100 million in extra Medicaid money for his state.

The union heavies went into action and threatened to stop financial support for New York’s Michael McMahon. He switched.

 South Dakota Rep Stephanie Sandlin was threatened opposition if she voted no.   She caved in.

 Scott Murphy of New York was targeted by a 1.3 million union finance ad campaign to get him to flip.

 Florida Rep. Allen Boyd, was promised a challenger if he did not flip. This changed his vote.

 Work on the congressional budget office was required to show the bill saved money. Pelosi threw in an added  $66 billion in Medicare cuts and another $50 billion dollars in taxes. A half a dozen Democrats who complained the bill had too many taxes and cuts , now said they were voting to reduce the deficit by voting yes to the bill.

Massachusetts Stephen Lynch, and  California Dennis Cardoza were upset with the "deem and pass" public backlash. Pelosi  backed off the "deem and pass" rule and got their votes.

 Some Democrats who voted yes now wanted their own concessions.  Oregon’s Pete DeFazio wanted more  Medicare payments to benefit his state. Pelosi cut a deal to give 17 states additional Medicare money.

 Still, the speaker was 3 to 5 votes short.  Stupak and a speaker wrangled over options. The solution was to remove it from Congress altogether, letting the president sign a meaningless executive order affirming no public money would go to pay for abortions.  Stupak caved in and released his members for yes votes. The speaker now had her 216 votes, and three to spare.

Some of the Democrats in the House only agreed to vote for the Senate bill on promises that the sidecar reconciliation would pass. Senate Democrats deliberately refuse to meet with Republican  Senate parliamentarian to get a ruling, since it might be unfavorable and votes would be lost.

Congress was held in historic low  esteem before this vote. Will we remember this spectacle when November elections roll around?

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Source: WSJ 3.22, .2010


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