Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Our psychiatrists are now labeling bad behavior as a mental disorder.  While revising their diagnostic manual, they have placed many normal individuals  who exhibits bad behavior, at great risk both socially and medically.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs
Visit http://www.americanacupuncture.com/ for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.


 Psychiatry has extended its domain into the ever shrinking domain of those of us who think we have normal minds. This is mislabeling millions of us innocent bystanders as having mental disorders.   The drug industry loves this, despite the lack of solid evidence that their medications will be effective for these newly proposed diagnoses.

 The current manual prepared by the American Psychiatric Association is the official way to decide who has a mental disorder and who is really normal.  The boundary between the two is quite fuzzy.

 This DSM  (diagnostic and statistical manual)  influences your insurance coverage, eligibility for disability and services, and your legal status. It also leads a stigma on your sense of personal control and responsibility and employment possibilities.

The last manual of mental disorders in 1994, created three false epidemics:  attention deficit disorder, autism, and childhood bipolar disorders. These disorders were erroneously placed in the mental health system for the past 16 years.


 “Hypersexual disorder”

Sex addiction talk seems to be everywhere. Mental health experts now are labeling this disorder of multiple sexual affairs as a mental sign not just bad behavior.

 This would give a psychiatric excuse to people wishing to hide the motivation for their exploits.  (Wilt Chamberlain, Brian Kolbe, Tiger Woods)

 To have this as disorder, symptoms must be severe and not caused by something else as drug abuse and medication. A great deal of time must be consumed by sexual fantasies and urges in planning for engaging sexual behaviors.
 They must repeatedly engage in this behavior when they are anxious, depressed, or use sex as a response to stressful life events.
They must be unsuccessful controlling or reducing this sexual behavior, and disregard the risk of physical or emotional harm to themselves or others?

“Binge eating disorder” binge eating once a week for three months.  This affects 6% of our population, and I might qualify.

 “Minor neurocognitive disorder”
 This affects many people who have expected memory problems of aging.

 “Major depression”
 Grieving after the loss of a loved one could be misread and placed under this diagnosis.
 “Mixed anxiety depression”
 Symptoms that are difficult to distinguish from the emotional pains of everyday life

 “Attention deficit disorder”
 Would include many adults, and encourage the use of stimulants to enhance performance.

 “Psychoses risk syndrome”
 Having strange thinking would help predict future full-blown psychotic episodes.   The prediction must be wrong at least three times for every time it is correct.  Many teenagers would receive medications for this problem that causes enormous weight gain, diabetes, and shorten life expectancy.
 “Autistic spectrum disorder”
 This new category would be for children with normal tantrums and would include every eccentricity
 “Binge drinkers”
 Would be labeled addicts,
 “Behavioral addiction”
 This would include pathological gambling, and perhaps Internet addiction.
 “Paraphilic coercive disorder”
 Gives rapists diagnoses of a mental disorder, if they claim they get special sexual excitement from raping.


 Experts in many fields have a tendency to expand their favorite disorders. They don’t do this to help drug companies, get new patients, or increase research funding.  They, I believe, don’t want to prevent some suitable patient from benefiting from their psychiatric care.

When the requirements for diagnosing a mental order are very stringent, some people who need help would be left out.  But under the new proposed requirements, many normal people will receive unnecessary, expensive, and sometimes harmful treatments.

 Can any of us normal people be saved from this labeling?
This therapeutic labeling might create great risks to normal people by placing them in a mental category, over diagnose them, and give them unnecessary treatment.

Can any of us be saved and excluded from the many new diagnoses this new psychiatric manual revision proposes?

 What do you think?   Visit www.drneedles.com for more discussion of controversial medical subjects.

DSM-5 proposed revision, American Psychiatric Assn.
 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
 Former Duke University chairman psychiatry department, Prof. Alan Frances.

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