Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Forget the health care abortion issue. Abortion is a medical issue, between you, the patient, and your doctor. No one wants the government to get involved in this decision-making process.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs
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Conservatives and liberals are desperately trying to put us into a time capsule back to 1958.
Abortion was always a private concern between a woman and her doctor, and the government never got involved in decisions about women's bodies and their own health. That's what most pro-choice women liked about their position.

Prior to the Roe versus Wade decision, teenage girls were told to keep their panties up, and teenage boys to kept their pants zipped, until they were mature enough to accept responsibility for what happens when they have sex. Until the 60s, teenagers were able to control themselves until they grew up. 

We can't turn the clock back to 1958. Our teenagers have changed with the sexual revolution, and we must also change.  The biggest problem today is not the teenagers, but most of us in our 20s 30s and 40s.

Since the Roe versus Wade decision was made 37 years ago, things have changed. Young people today see abortion today as a personal issue, and their interests are different than the pro-choice and antiabortion positions of 1972.  Many pro-choice women after having a baby become pro-life, and many pro-life people with unintended pregnancies become pro-choice.  Neither side will not win this bitterly divisive battle. Most abortions today are in women above poverty level, between 20 and 35 years of age.  A high percentage of them are second and third repeaters. (Source Guttmacher Institute.)


Thirty-seven years ago, women argued about the right to control their own body, reproductive freedom, and sexual liberation Empowerment was a right to be defended, like freedom of speech and freedom of religion.


 Both conservatives and liberals, see a debate on abortion as a chance to arouse young women to the causes of previous generations.  Many on both sides are contractually obligated to get others outraged about everything. All this media attention is draining energy that should be used to fight other feminine battles. 

 A more serious concern for many is the lack of coverage for contraceptives, pelvic exams, counseling on sexual transmitted diseases, mammograms, and Pap smears. With the lack of coverage for physical examinations, and regular Pap smear, women's health and fertility are being jeopardized.
  This is the area where energy should be focused.

Women should be more worried about government-forced hysterectomies, and mandated tubal legations, then about abortions. There will be many more health reform cost cutting affecting woman health care. 

Pap smears are deemed unnecessary, since the doctor might find something.  If he found something he might try to do something. If he tried to do something, a side effect may occur from his treatment. Eliminating Pap smear testing is becoming a great solution to the side effects of treatment.


Today most women, of the sonogram generation, are concerned with educating their children about sex, and are too busy to be bothered with the liberal and conservative political causes. Neither side will not win this bitterly divisive battle. 

Woman sees a deeper threat in banning gay marriages, African genocide, and climate change, than they do in any rollback of reproductive rights.   Today's woman, have access to a lot of different birth control options, and are comfortable, being free to choose and engage in reproductive acts in any way they choose. They know there is no free lunch of intimacy and realize with sexual freedom, come responsibilities.


Few of us want the government in the business of funding abortions with our tax dollars. The law in 1976 barred federal funds from being used for abortions, except in cases of rape incense and to ensure the life of the mother. 

Because of the Hyde amendment, states were forced to cover abortions for low-income women with their own money.  No one wants a government sterilization plan for people who do not want children. Should a man who refuses to pay child support and take care of his child, be forced to get a vasectomy? Should dead-beat parents be subject to sterilization? How should the government treat the man who started the pregnancy that ended in abortion?  Most feel that because a woman has a choice to have abortion, she does not have the right to force taxpayers to pick up the tab for her choice.


Because of the stigma surrounding abortion, many who have insurance covering abortion, choose not to use it.   Abortion within the first 12 weeks constitutes 90% of all induced abortions and costs just over $400.   Most men, either the father or the soul mate, will pay for most abortions.  No one today actually bothers to ask the person who get an abortion where she got her $400. 


Pregnancy is not a disease and abortion is not a cure. In the past, we thought insurance was necessary to cover against major events, not a prepaid health plan for predictable expenses.
It's important to recognize the choice of words used by the media. Words tell you a great deal about who they are, and what they really believe in.  Spontaneous abortions and induced abortions are lumped together, with statements like: -"one third of all pregnancies end in abortion", when most of them are spontaneous miscarriages.  Young women are becoming great targets for cost cutting. Attention should be focused on the cost cutters.   Who wants to deny Pap smears and mammograms to young women?

For many years, national healthcare has been a fixation for many people. Abortion has been the heart of cultural activists for 35 years. They have a sense of now or never at work. Contraceptives are a part of lifestyle choices.  Knowing you have to shell out your own $400, may be the best contraceptive to avoid pregnancy. 

No one should tell you whether you should continue a pregnancy or not.When you have sex, you however, must consider the possiblity of pregnancy.   Yet it is not your neighbor's obligation, to pay for your abortion with his tax dollars.

Most of us do not want this issue to be transparent for the world to see or know your private decisions.   It's a problem enough to have electronic medical records keeps your life story for the world to see.

Forget the abortion issue,
most of us can scrape up $400 for an abortion.   Lobby for the government to buy contraceptives, pay for your tubal ligation, your soul mate’s vasectomy, and have the government quit cutting woman’s health care treatments.

Abortion is a medical issue, between you, the patient, and your doctor. No one wants the government to get involved in this decision-making process.
Related blog posts: 

Abortion funded by government 11.03.2009
Analyzing the Congressional thinking machine 11.20.2009
Senate bill packed with payoffs 11.22.2009

Anyone happy with the health plan 9.19.2009

Visit for more discussion of controversial medical issues.

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