Monday, December 7, 2009


We all have cancer cells in our bodies. They are like snowflakes, and only cause a problem when they become snowballs.  You have cancer cells occur between 6 to 10 times in your lifetime.
When a doctor tells you there are no more cancer cells in your body after his treatment, it just means that tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached a detectable size of a snowball.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs
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We all have cancer cells in our bodies. They are like snowflakes, and only cause a problem when they become snowballs.  You have cancer cells occur between 6 to 10 times in your lifetime.  When a doctor tells you there are no more cancer cells in your body after his treatment.  It just means that tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached a detectable size of a snowball.  If you have a strong immune system, your cancer cells will stay destroyed and will not multiply and form new snowballs.


"Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell.   He found that cancer cells are anaerobic.   When oxygen is prevented from getting into a cell, the ATP molecule count gets very low. When the level of oxygen becomes EXTREMELY low in the cell, a normal cell will convert and to continue to exist it becomes anaerobic.

The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by fermentation of sugar. All normal cells get their energy by respiration of oxygen, but cancer cells get their energy needs by fermentation.

All normal body cells are AEROBIC, while all cancer cells are anaerobic. Oxygen gas donates energy to all plants and animals.  In cancer, the cells are replaced by an energy yielding primitive reaction, namely, a fermentation of glucose.

 Being anaerobic, the cell does not burn glucose, (sugar), but uses a primitive method of survival, fermentation, in order to get their energy. When the cell no longer can convert glucose into energy by oxidation, with the absence of oxygen, the cell regresses to a primitive nutritional state to sustain itself, and converts sugar by fermentation.
The lactic acid made by fermentation, lowers the pH, acid/alkaline balance, and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control the cell’s division.   The cancer cells then multiply unchecked.
The lactic acid simultaneously destroys cell enzymes. The outside cell mass then rapidly grows, and the cell’s inside is filled with dead cells. Without the oxygen, the body sugar undergoes fermentation and creates lactic acid. The body’s PH drops from between 7.3 down to seven, and later to 6.5. When cancer is advanced and metastases are present, the body pH drops to 6.0 and even 5.7.   The body is then in metabolic acidosis and cannot survive.

The Dahlem institute (a Rockefeller Foundation since 1930) discovered oxygen transferring and hydrogen transferring enzymes. They have recently shown that cancer cells grow in the body only with the energy of fermentation from sugar. This is a great reason to eliminate sugar from your diet.  If the cause of cancer is the replacement of oxygen respiration in a cell by fermentation, then all cancer cells must ferment, and no normal growing cell should exist that ferments in the body.  Since the cause of cancer is acidity, the best way to cure cancer is to make the cancer cell alkaline.


Cells suddenly become without oxygen and need a lot of sugars to metabolize, and use a form called in fermentation. Electrons love oxygen. They attract oxygen and stimulate our breathing.   When normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells is damaged, the cell becomes an anaerobic cell. It takes in sugar and gives off `acid which makes the body acidic. Cancers need an acidic environment to grow and can't survive in a balanced alkaline environment.
The cell membrane has lipids, which are highly unsaturated fatty acids (as in omega-3 fish oil). Cholesterol forms a bond in the cell membrane and cells then resist water. and form a hydrophobic bond. 

Life is electrical. When a disease occurs, the electrical charge becomes missing and the body’s energy flow is disrupted. The Chinese describe this force of energy “the meridian system “ which was verified by high-tech instruments in 1994. These meridians are pathways for our life force, called by us “ energy” and by the Chinese “ Chi”.  


Living cells produce light. The more lights in your cells, the healthier you are.( ultraviolet light therapy, sunlight, and animated ash).   We must increase the oxygen in our system. – by purifing our lungs with inhalant therapy, we increase the highly unsaturated fatty acids into  our diets.   We fill our cells with man-made oils known as trans fatty acids,  (partially hydrogenated oils), which destroy our cell‘s electrical charge.  When oil gets into the cell and replaces the cholesterol, our cell membranes lose their charge.   Cancer cells can only reproduce themselves anaerobicaly (without oxygen).


Instead of healing the cells in our bodies so normal cells could replace the cancer cells, chemotherapy and radiation destroys the normal energy flow of our healthy cells.
The aim of chemotherapy is to poison the rapidly growing cancer cells.  Unfortunately they also destroy your rapidly growing healthy cells that are found in your bone marrow, bowel, liver, kidney, heart and lungs.   Radiation also destroys cancer cells, by burning and scarring them. they also damage healthy cell tissues and organs.

Both chemotherapy and radiation will shrink the size of the cancer. When the body builds up too many toxins from this treatment, your immune system becomes compromised.   Both treatments cause the cancer cells to eventually mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.  Surgery often causes cancer cells to spread to other sites. 

If we took care of the healthy cells, the cancer would take care of itself.  High-fat diets lead to cancer.   A Mediterranean diet, despite being high in olive oil (which has 60% omega-3) is loaded with good fats. This olive oil is called an essential fatty acid because our bodies can't make it and it is essential to our health. They essential fats are not stored in the body, because they are not water soluble and not biologically available.

To prevent cancer, we must oxygenate our cells by eating foods high in antioxidant, avoid environmental toxins as artificial sweeteners, smoking, snacks high in transfatty acids, and most of all avoid what cancer cells love the most: sugar1

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Related Blogs: The Perfect Cancer Fighting Vegetable

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