Monday, January 26, 2009



Our society is not working. Lets revive our can-do–spirit.  We must affirmatively protect individual freedom in our daily choices.   We don’t need to change our public goals.  Let’s just make them easier for us free citizens to achieve these goals.

Today, we don’t feel we can reach inside ourselves and really make a difference.  We think we are powerless.  Bureaucracy and rules don’t make things happen.  Your accomplishment is personal.  It is a great feeling knowing you did a good job. 

We have become a nation of rule followers.  Modern law teaches the lack of authority. Our everyday choices, are paralyzed by litigation and regulation.  We try to solve all our  problems in terms of legal risk and existing law Everything has a legal risk and a warning..  When you are  in doubt, don’t. Our normal instincts are to get things done..  We hesitate; doubt and our convictions are weakened.

One feels discouraged dealing with the public .  You can’t be kind to people for fear of legal action. No longer is government a noble calling. No longer does a physician encourage his child to a medical calling.  No longer do teachers encourage their children  to educational careers


Health care is a nervous breakdown in slow motion  Doctors don’t encourage their children to go into medicine.  Costs are out of control, yet the doctors order whatever tests the insurance will pay for.  It is no longer courageous to take risks, for this is reason enough to get sued.  How can you control high medical costs, when the doctor is thinking about who they can defend themselves if the sick patient sues


Teachers can’t pu t an arm around a crying child.  Disorder disrupts learning all day long in many schools.  Kids can’t run in recess for risk factors.  Exercise is a no-no, and obesity is rampant in our children.

Let schools be run by values and instincts of the humans we put in charge, not by micromanagement of governments.  Let the schools be accountable for how they do.

Ordinary choices by doctors, teacher, officials, managers and yes, volunteers, are paralyzed by our legal self-consciousness.  You can’t  talk off the cuff for fear it might be used against you   Our first questions are: Did you check the rules?  Who will be responsible if there is an accident?


Freedom is no longer a personal power.  The focus today is on the rights of whoever might disagree.  With all our problems in society, we remain paralyzed. We used to take a problem and fix it.  No longer can you feel free to do anything.

Our freedom has a formal structure in laws that tell us what we can and can’t do.  You steal, you pay the penalty.  But we forget that the law also defines an area that frees us from legal interference   Today, our laws provide no protection and no boundaries.    In our daily lives, any disagreement at work, any accident, any touching of a child all create legal risks.


We must abandon the idea that freedom in our dally choices requires picking the right answer.  We need to affirm social norms on what is reasonable and what is not.  The feeling and demands of our community must is heard.

The cure is how we look at freedom.  Freedom today does not include the power of personal conviction and the authority to use our common sense.  We need freedom in our daily choices. The individuality of  our accomplishments  are not honored.

We accomplish things by focusing on our goals and letting our subconscious instincts get us there.  Very few people know how they got  things done.  Trial and error lead them  to success. 

We need to affirm our social norms of what’s reasonable and what is not.  They should correspond with the actual feelings and demands of our communities.  The common good must be balance with appeasing someone’s rights.

Source:,, wsj.Jan 26,2009

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