Wednesday, August 6, 2008



There is a push by insurance companies and hospitals to have all your history on an electronic database.  Vendors of hardware and software, marketing companies, government, welcome this and private insurance companies who try to avoid paying so much for your medical care, and especially lawyers looking for lawsuits.  Most doctors resist this change.

These electronic records might save filling out duplicate forms, but you still will have more forms to fill out.  Do you want to have all your health information in some electronic database?

What makes your medical record available?  Will it really save your life in the emergency room when you are unconscious or bleeding? Not likely!  Your medical bracelet will give you all the information quicker.

Will it prevent medical errors?  Not when entered by a busy clerk.  Once in the database, it is impossible to remove, because of many backups in many locations.

These records do not transfer medical history into your doctor’s brain.  Doctors find electronic recording a hindrance.  It makes doctors order superfluous tests because of fear of lawsuits. Your doctor can better understand your medical history by asking questions directly.

Will the users of this information act on your best interest or want to monitor your behavior?  Confidentiality becomes meaningless.  If a record is electronic, you might not want to tell a doctor anything you would not want a blackmailer or spouse to find out.

What do you think?  Your comments are always appreciated.

Visit me @ for more new medical information.



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