Wednesday, March 5, 2008


JAMA MAR.03,2008

Most women will experience menopause between 47 and 51 years of age. They will have menopausal symptoms for about 5 years

A study called the Woman’s Health Initiative study was revisited reviewing findings of women in their 50’s. This current review found that women in there 50’s who took hormones actually had a 30% lower risk of dying than those who did not. Those taking estrogen also had a lower risk of severe coronary artery calcium deposits.

The only negative factor was a statistically insignificant finding that those who took hormone had a 0.31% increase in cancer. The role of individual cancers also was not statistically significant.

The WHI study was stopped abruptly in 20002 because it showed at that time, higher rates of cancer and heart disease in those taking hormones. The study was of 16,000 women with an average age of 63.

All this shows how much conflicting data is present on this subject. It seems almost too complex for the medical profession to interpret.

The effect on hormones on prevention of bone fractures will be evaluated from this study in the near future.

Stay tuned
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