Wednesday, November 17, 2010



 We all know there’s good and bad cholesterol. It turns out that there is also good and bad fat.

 White fat
 White fat is considered bad. It is distributed to widely throughout the body.  These specialized cells is door lipids or adipocytes. They are defined in childhood and stay steady throughout life. 10% of the cells are renewed each year.  The main determinants of obesity are the number of adipocytes and their societies.

All fat cells in the body stays the same since new cells are offset by an equal loss of cells that die. Losing weight as an adult only shrinks the mass of the cells, which is quickly  recovered by new cells.

 It’s hard to maintain the weight you reached after a reducing diet since the new fat cells that laid down fat after weight reduction need to quickly grow in lipids. The adipocytes start to grow around the age of two and grows  twice as fast in people with obesity. It also stops at the age of 16.

It does have its benefits by storing excess energy and providing us with a layer of insulation that keeps us warm. Too much of it however leads to serious health problems.

 Your body stores excess energy by accumulating weight when you consume more calories than you use. When you’re short on food and your body needs extra energy, white fat does come in handy.

 Brown fat
 Brown fat, the  good fat, Acts like a furnace, consuming calories and generating heat. It burns excess energy to generate heat. It is mostly found in newborns, arranged in little pockets around the shoulders and between the shoulder blades.  It is 5% of an infant’s total body mass.  Brown fat provides extra heat to help babies maintain their core temperatures.  As you age, you have less brown fat. Some people however keep brown fat deposits into adulthood.

 Brown fat is activated by temperature changes in the environment. When the baby is cold, brown fat quickly starts producing heat. The heat is generated by little energy factories, called mitochondria, better glucose fat and other nutrients into energy that the cell can use.

 Brown fat cells are packed with mitochondria, making them very opaque.  Brown  fat cells are more dense than mitochondria and almost all other tissues in the body. The inefficiency of these mitochondria make them valuable. Instead of breaking down nutrients into energy that the brown fat cell can use, if it leaks out most of the energy into the form of heat.

 Small  Capillaries around the cells give the fat its brown color. and  transport the heat energy throughout the baby’s body, maintaining the baby’s core temperature

  Most of our weight reduction programs have been targeted towards reducing food intake.  Scientists are now looking for ways to increase the stores of your brown fat and turn  off its metabolism to help you burn calories faster.  If you activate the good that it will help burn off the bad fat.

 It wouldn’t take much as a little bit goes a very long way. Since 3 ounces of brown fat if maximum they stimulated can burn up to 500 calories a day. All of us have small amounts of brown fat around our collarbones and in our necks,  As seen under pets stands and CT scans.  Brown spots show up as hot spots   Women have twice is much as men, but at most only have a half an ounce of brown fat.  Brown fat disappears as we age, and obese people have less than lean people. It is activated by just spending a little time in a cold room.  Exposure to chilly temperatures causes a 15 times increase in the metabolic rate of brown fat than a healthy adult. If this could be activated it would burn at least 9 pounds of white fat each year.

 Researchers are trying to activate brown fat with a drug targeted along the brown fast metabolic pathways. It may be possible to remove a small amount of a person’s brown fat, amplified in a test tube, and transplanted back,  creating your own internal calorie  burning furnace. 

Perhaps just spending more time  outdoors in cool climates could help. If you sat in your home at 60°F versus the comfortable 72 or 80, you might lose weight and help your health. However on the contrary, it might just make you eat more.  A drug might be necessary to increase the metabolic rate also.

 We could tackle obesity, If we could limit the number of adipocytes in children, or reduce the substitution of dead that cells with new ones.  If we could prevent the death of brown cells as we age or reintroduce these cells, we could  also prevent obesity.

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