Saturday, January 2, 2010


        Our county is becoming more left-brain each year..  Our government is run by left brain individuals who are narrow focused and blind to things conveyed indirectly. The right brain is no longer a factor in our thinking

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs
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        Our county is becoming more left-brain each year..  Our government is run by left brain individuals who are narrow focused and blind to things conveyed indirectly. The right brain is no longer a factor in our thinking.

By simplifying and making rigid rules, we have become disconnected with each other.  Business vs. labor, unemployed vs. employed, rich vs. poor, uninsured vs. insured, immigrant vs. natives, conservative vs. liberal, white vs. black, seniors vs. young, republicans vs. democrats, abortion advocates vs. pro-life, gay marriages vs. church marriages, singles vs. married, family vs. singles, educated vs. uneducated, on and on.        

To stay in power, left brain politicians simplify and disconnect us from each other by establishing many rigid mechanical rules.  This is a way for them to stay in control.  Despite their increased wealth and prosperity, this apparently has not made politicians happier.  To achieve their goals, politicians  can’t see what is obvious, but deal only with the predictable.  Without ever considering all the aspects of our lives, they have made our society full of rules   
    Left-brain politicians see us as intrinsically meaningless fragments that must be replaced with paper rigid rules. There is no room for ambiguity, imagination, or the idea that opposite things are compatible.  (YIN--YANG)
    They deal within a closed system, and strip away the complexity of our health system and, through the media, systematize our way of thinking.   This allows them to manipulate us, pursue their own agendas, and prevent us from being aware that we are all part of the whole, called America.   
      Assume a left brained politician has a stroke, paralyzing his right arm.  After the stroke, his left-brain is completely in control. Even though half of his body is useless, he now denies that anything is wrong.   He may even say that the dead parts of his body belong to someone else, in the next bed. Always optimistic, singing a happy tune with other left brained politicians, he walks towards total destruction.


    Right  brain orientated people pays attention to the whole world and see  things in context as inseparably interconnected.  They recognize  everything that’s nonverbal, metaphorical,  ironic, and humorous.   The problem is we must see the entire country as it is, before we can simplify and disconnect it.  Both right and left-brains must work in harmony, not independently.    By seeing the relationship between the parts and the whole, we can see the problems caused by rigid, fixed and simplified left brain thinking.     Today, ambiguity is seen as a sign of obscurity and there is no room for imagination and metaphors.

The left-brain is concerned with manipulation and left-brain politicians see mechanical models as the only framework for understanding the world and us.  The left-brain gets locked into its own point of view, and does the same things in the same way it has always been done, and never does more.  

 To return to harmony and balance, we need some right brain thinking that allows some negative feedback.   We need more empathy and inter-connectedness between our government and us.   The left-brain pushes to maintain symmetry and stasis.   Right brain thinking influences attitudes that the left brain might know and can act on. 
All of our functions (language, imagery, reason, emotion),  now seem to be controlled by both hemispheres,   The two hemispheres are significantly different in how they work. Normally they work together without us being aware of what the other  is doing. One hemisphere dominates in each  individual , and in politicians it seems to be dominated by the left hemisphere.  
We need both versions of the world.  

By not using their right brain, politicians become socially and emotionally insensitive and have a poor understanding of beauty art and religion.  Effectively, they become autistic, with no sense of the broader context of experience.      If politicians didn’t use their  left brains ,they would struggle to focus on details and resolve them.  

Certainly, there is no lack of confusing details in our legislative bills.    Its time for our politicians to stimulate their right brain thinking ,and see that our happiness depend on being connected to each other.  As a country, we need the empathy and inter connectedness that only right brain thinking can provide. 

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Americanacupuncture.Drneedles @

Source: Book, “The Master and His emissary, the Divided brain and the Making of the Western World” McGilchrist

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