Sunday, November 28, 2010




The following are excerpts from the Oprah show this month.  Using a powerful acupuncture point  CV 17    Joao a Brazilian healer, shows  the power of activated invisible forces,  (as found in medical acupuncture).

A video screen in a one-story coral building, was playing a video where a man’s chest was being cut open with a rusty paring knife. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful as blood ran down his white shirt. (acupuncture point: Conception vessel 17 was entered).

A 62 year old Brazilian healer named John of God, in a small town of Abadiania  Brazil, walks barefoot,on a stage,  dressed totally in white,  his eyes scanning the hall with a laser-like focus.

John of God, a Catholic, is known in town as “Joao”.  He is solidly built, and says other spirits borrow his body. and do the healing.   It is these “Entities”, who work through John of God. They are the spirits of deceased doctors, surgeons, masters, and saints.  They use  his  body to channel their energy to Joao’s patients.  He feels a radiant heat which puts his patients  in a state of  spiritual peace and happiness.

 As  his eyes become darker and more intense,his gait becomes stiffens, and Joao  asks any doctors in the room to come forward.  Four medical doctors take the stage and talk  with the healer.

 The woman on stage, has advanced breast cancer, and as the doctors look on, Joao lifts her left breast and makes a vertical incision.   Blood streams down from her chest and he proceeds to pick up a needle and stitch the wound closed. 

As Dr. Oz reviewed the tapes, he explained his theory:  “These actions stimulate aggressive immune responses and dad may be what the healer is doing tapping into a long lost feeling that could be effective in treating other conditions”.

On stage, he next scraps a  knife across a woman’s eyeball back and forth and the patient (from Jackson Michigan: says she can see again.

 Another patient has a Kelly clamp shove up her nostril, It is twisted four times with Joao’s wrist and there is no blood.  She again can breathe. 

Joao  takes no credit for healing and says: “ I’ve never healed anybody.  It is God who heals.”   He practices  medicine without a license, does not charge for his services, and has treated  the president of Peru as well as many  Brazilian mayors,  He is accepted protected, and regarded as a national treasure.

 At 16,  he had a vision of a beautiful woman down by a river who gave him the address of a spiritual center and told him to go there.  He thought the woman was St. Rita of Casa, and the spirit of King Solomon came to him.  He suddenly fainted.and awoke   several hours later,  being told he had healed several people all afternoon. 

Dr. Oz, five years ago, was on “Prime Time Live” segment, that focused on the John of God story.  He examined hours of footage from the healing  tapes, looked at scans and biopsy reports, and he could not explain why an aggressive, very deadly, cancer as a glioblastoma, would disappear.  The radiologist said this was impossible. (We rely on the naked eye for proof of everything. Yet there are countless unseen things that have power–sound waves, microwaves, radio waves, emotions of anger and envy, wind, and the power to love, yet  here people have blind faith, believe without documentation, and are healed).

Edwina  Gaines, tells her story.  A 71-year-old Alabama minister and motivational speaker, she is the author of ”The four spiritual laws of prosperity”,  telling  of her inoperable brain aneurysm (verified by 5 neurosurgeons).  The “Entity healer,Joao,  did his invisible surgery on her in a group meditation setting.  She placed her right hand on her heart, collapsed in exhaustion for 24 hours, and was she should have stitches removed. In eight days    Arriving home, a CT scan revealed her aneurysm was gone. 

 One of the keys to healing is a willingness to change entrenched habits, behaviors, jobs, impossible schedules, and let go of everything that is holding you back. Doing this is a radical almost scary change. 

The healings are all intended to facilitate an individual’s well-being, were told by the entities to write books, get their pilots license, stopped smoking, especially pot. People who smoke pot habit as read or rise and take about a year to heal. It is important to take out the reason why you got sick not just remove some organ. Daily meditation, changing habits improving diets upgrading mindsets all are required. The rest is done, maybe 60% by healing.

If you were shown an iPhone 100 years ago you wouldn’t believe it. Everything is progressing. We know so little and our senses are limited. If you aren’t open to ministry, you’ll never see it.  Most people who come to Joao’s town in Brazil believe this, and skeptics, even Dr Oz,who see this no longer are the same.  This is also true about medical acupuncture.

Oprah;s magazine Dec.10 should have more on this subject.

Visit www.americanacupuncture for more discussion of controversial medical issues.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Sunday, November 21, 2010



Have you recently gone to your doctor and  noticed some changes?  His waiting room is now called  a reception area. He is very concerned in cutting down the cycle time of you the patient, and you are limited to 7 minutes with him.   In the past he was reimbursed for his time and expertise,  but now non-traditional visits are handled by  phone consultations, smart phones, e-mail, or video chats.  The offices want your registration forms  completed by way of mail or computer so everything is available when you come in.  If you require 15 minutes or more, you will put you in  slots where he is not as busy.  His  practice is now being labeled  “patient centered medicine” rather than  "primary care medicine".

His usual jovial personality has changed, and you no longer can engage  in meaningful conversation about you, your health, nor even the state of Obama care.  He asks the questions, and you answer yes or no.

When  your doctor enters the room, he is now carrying a laptop computer.  Sometimes he will  put it on his lap, but  soon notices that the heat may fry his testicles,  and puts the computer on the counter.

 All the information you’re giving him seems overwhelming to him as he mutters under his breath and begins typing.  He  no longer is looking at you, but  remains focused  on the  computer data he needs to place in the registry.    Your visit ends and you wonder: "How on earth can he know what to do for me when I couldn't tell him what was wrong.

Charting has become more important than having a quality experience or quality outcome with you, the patient.  Your  doctor is forced to do this,  because of several new payment schemes, with names like “ accountable care organizations”, “global payments”,  and “ and bundled payments”---- all of  which are already in their pilots stages in  Massachusetts, Michigan and California.    The programs all aim for the same result: CAPITATION  ( another name for the old HMO).   To make all this work requires a great deal  of technological infrastructure.   So dear patient:  Your doctor, in order  to play the game,  must pay the price.

The electronic health records (EHR) certainly has benefits.   It signal potential drug reactions, makes prescriptions and notes more legible, and eliminates storing paper charts. The data however is very slow and cumbersome,  And reading it is very difficult,  as your doctor sifts through meaningless data trying to find your important information that will let him treat you properly. 

It is also very expensive. In a midsized practice, we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars for the hardware and software just to get started.   This does not count the huge  annual service charges each month.  In the face of your doctor getting lower reimbursements for your care, and his rising costs of private practice, many  doctors are abandoning their practices and joining hospital groups.   Your next visit may  no longer be with your doctor, but his surrogate, or a nurse physician-practioner  aid.

 The new health reform bill,  called Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is now the  law of the land.   The reform bill provides  incentives for doctors and hospitals to do less for you in terms of treatment and diagnosis, and to do more for the government by providing cost-saving data  to provide more quantity and less quality.  The meaningful use criteria for EHR is all spinned as leading to “ quality health improvement”.

 Certainly the  technology industry has a lot to gain. The dollars for your patient care are now being diverted into the pockets of Silicone Valley, the makers of computers and software.  Follow the money trail, and you’ll see who has the ear of Congress.

 These new  payment schemes, and the EHR  that supports it, penalizes your doctor when he interprets your medical findings properly and tries to customize a treatment plan that will work for you. 

 I think that you, the patient, still sees value in quality, individualized care, patient centered care, and compassionate care.  Hopefully you realize a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine will not work.  Regardless, get ready for more big changes in the way your doctor practices medicine.

Visit for more discussion of controversial medical issues that affect your health.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read between the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 Trivia Quiz

  Thanksgiving  2010  Trivia Quiz

 For our Facebook and twitter fans we have a little Thanksgiving quiz today.  Give it your best shot!

1  A female turkey is called:  a chick, a cuckoo, a hen, or a rooster.
2. A male turkey is called: a clark, a tom, a larry,  or a harry.
3  A mature turkey has  how many feathers? 1500, 2000, 3500,    5000
4  Oldster keys are produced in the state of: Arkansas,    Minnesota,  Ohio, Kansas, Michigan
5. A wild turkey can run: 5 mph, 15 mph, 25 mph, 45 mph
6. What percentage of American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving?    50%  66%, 80%, 90%
7. The skin that hangs from a turkey’s neck is called:  a garble, a swag, a wattle, a snark

8. The following percentage of American homes eat turkey on Christmas:  35%, 50%, 66%, 90%
9. Which country eats  the most turkey per year per capita: Spain, Britain, Israel,  United States
10. The best way to defrost a  turkey is: in the microwave, with a hair dryer, in the refrigerator, in cold water
 11. The Pilgrims came to North America in:  1616, 1620, 1648, 1650
 12. The Pilgrims sailed on a ship called: Pinta, Mayflower, Speedwell, Santa Anna
 13. To reach North America, the Pilgrims sailed across the: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean
 14. The Pilgrim ship landed in North America at: Cape Cod, Plymouth Rock, Boston,  Portsmouth
 15. Which president named Thanksgiving Day a national holiday: Grant, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington
 16. Pilgrim boys and girls  got their schooling from:  natives, British, parents,  religious
 17.  Pilgrims came to America to: trade tea for animal furs, fight Indians, religious freedom,  find gold
 18. Which of the  following Presidents claim Mayflower ancestry: George Washington, George Bush, John Adams, Franklin Roosevelt
19. The Pilgrims came to America from: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England
  20. What percentage of pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower survived to celebrate Thanksgiving> 20%, 50%, 75%, 90%
 21. The original Thanksgiving lasted how long?  Three days, seven days, two weeks, two months
 22. How big is the size of the Plymouth Rock?  The size of  a bus, a peanut, a car engine, a car
 23. What drink to the pilgrims bring with them: tea,  coffee, beer, cider
  24.The first football game was started in 1934 by:  Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Jets
 25.  The answers to all the above questions can be found at home page of,  

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Visit www.americanacupuncture  for the best discussions of current medical issues.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read between the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



I am in control of myself at all times in all situations.
Whenever I sit down I am determined to achieve my goal. By never giving in and eating right, I will reach the  weight I want.

I really enjoy eating less whether in a restaurant or at home. I don’t have to finish the food in front of me anymore. I eat what I should and never won by it more.

When there is less food on my plate there is less food on my fork. By ordering less when I eat out, and  giving myself smaller portions at home, it keeps me aware of staying with my goal each day. Less on my plate means less on my waist.

I will not allow anyone to influence, tempt or discourage me in any negative way. Reaching my goal was up to me. No one has the right to control my success.

I’m only losing weight for my own reasons; for my life, my future by personal health. No one will tempt me to take one more bite than I should. I am strong, can reach my goal, and am doing it.

A lot of food in front of me is no longer a problem to me. I just say no to the food and yes to my success.

I still enjoy sitting down to eat because it gives me time to conquer my past and create a tremor Here more self-confident future in front of me.

I don’t need someone else to remind me of my goal would keep me from eating something I should not. I’m responsible for myself and no one has to do it for me.

It’s easy for me now to control my weight and my appetite. I enjoy smaller portions, smaller bites, eat slower, am healthier, and more relaxed in every way. Mealtime has turned into achievement time for me.

Visit for more discussion of controversial medical issues.

As a medical physician for over 52 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read between the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.



Thirty years ago we declared a war against fat. Dietary guidelines for Americans was first published  in 1980 and has been updated every five years.   To prevent heart trouble, we are told to stay away from fats.

 Obesity is no longer a sign of prosperity
 Three times as many adults are now obese compared to 50 years ago and twice as many as 20 years ago. Being heavy was a sign of prosperity and being socially successful in the past. If one was not overweight it showed he could not make his way in life, nor obtain enough to eat. Today however the poorest and least educated American is very obese.

Obesity causes type II diabetes and over 10% of our medical costs. In the last 10 years the costs have risen from $74 billion-$147 billion. Being fat makes you less productive, you take more time off from work because of ailments. Perhaps you cannot walk more than a few yards without refreshing yourself with some fast food or sweet pop. Family meals you see are a thing of the past,  is a great effort.   Kids don’t eat meals with their parents, and many of them only have one parent.

We buy take-home meals and ready prepared foods. They are heated in the microwave and serve as constant snacks. Often there is a need for a decent table to eat at since the TV serves at the dining table. We overindulge, and each feeding makes your appetite grow. Your behavior determines the appetite of the moment. You eat independently of everyone else, and when you eat there is no self control. Your world is very dull and slow-moving compared to the TV excitement. There is no reason to get in the real world when you can satisfy your appetite, which are mined in a vacuum, and have constant entertainment on your coach.

 All fats are not created equal
Yet as you may have noticed, we are not getting any thinner, and heart disease is still our big killer.  We developed the logic that fat is bad, since saturated fat increases bad LDL cholesterol, and if you have high LDL cholesterol you are more likely to get heart disease.

 The fallacy of this is the assumption that: “ All LDL cholesterol is the same and it is all bad”.  LDL cholesterol comes in a range  of sizes.  Large LDL particles cause no harm. Research shows  that avoiding fat is a miscalculation.   it’s We have been replacing fat with process carbohydrates and this is far worse for our hearts.

 As we switch from a low saturated fat diet to one high in saturated fat, there is an increase in total blood LDL cholesterol.   The rise, however,  is due to  an increased concentration of the large LDL particles, not the small ones.  In other words, saturated fat consumption boosts our harmless LDL particles.  Because the tests ignore particle size, today’s  cholesterol tests are not good indicators of heart disease risk, and  only  predict heart disease risk 70% of the time.   (Since saturated fat  has no double bonds, all of its carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen atoms and these are neutral for the heart.)   Unsaturated fats that have one double bond ( mono unsaturated fats), as  found in many nuts, are very good for the heart,  Polyunsaturated fats that have multiple double bonds,  as fatty fish, are also very good for the heart.  By substituting mono saturated and polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats, heart disease risks dropped dramatically.   New England Journal of Medicine May 2006

 People who ate most of their daily calories from fat, including saturated fat, had no increase in heart disease later in life. Those who ate the highest amount of vegetable fat, from foods like nuts and olive oil, lowered  their heart disease rate more than those on low-fat diets.  New England Journal of Medicine March 2010

 Glycemic index is the answer to our obesity problem
  If saturated fat does not adversely affect your heart health, what does?  Researchers find a high glycemic index may be the answer. The index reflects the influence  blood sugar levels,  based on how quickly sugare is digested and absorbed.  That means, carbohydrates like cereal, bread, chips and cookies all increase heart risks.

 People who ate the highest glycemic load, (which also measures portion size), had twice the risk of heart disease than those who ate food with the lowest glycemic  load.

 Mixing high glycemic index foods with low glycemic index foods, like a piece of white bread with peanut butter, is healthier than eating is the white bread alone.  If you were on a high fat low carbohydrate diet for eight weeks, your blood concentration of small LDL particles would drop 50%.   If you then went on a high carbohydrate and low-fat diet, you would see an increase spike of 36%.  Also troubling is, that process carbohydrates lower good HDL cholesterol, while saturated fats increase good HDL cholesterol.

 Sugars are not all created equal.
Despite having a lower glycemic index, fructose is less healthy than glucose, since it haa a different structure despite having the same chemical formula  Table sugar is 50% fructose and 50% glucose. High fructose corn syrup is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. 

 Fructose makes you hungrier
Fructose results in a lower insulin response, which results in a lower circulating levels of leptin, (the appetite suppressing hormone), and a higher level of ghrelin, (the appetite boosting hormone), thus increasing your appetite  and putting you at a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

 Processed carbohydrates are the cause of obesity
 Our war against fat has made us more addicted to  carbohydrates. As we cut out fat, we typically eat diet foods high in carbohydrates that contain the same number of calories, however  with more corn syrup solids.  Transfatty acids and foods high in omega six, as corn oil and margarine, are very unhealthy, We must start replacing carbs with some fat in our diets.  To get the right nutritional messages, our new guidelines should be simple, targeted, and consistent.

 Other causes of obesity
 People tell you that that is you eat too much and don’t exercise enough. There are however other explanations.

 Birds of a feather flock together.   You tend to mate with someone who has a very similar body type as you and thus pass along genes that contribute to obesity.

The normal activity of your hormones that regulate fat are disrupted by environmental toxins that lead to metabolic changes in your body and weight gain.

 Since you lived in a temperature controlled environment, air conditioning and central heating, you need to burn fewer calories to regulate your thermostat. Instead of your body regulating her temperature by sweating and getting goosebumps, your temperature is always controlled and this causes you to burn less calories.

If you were a smoker and quit, you may still have oral fixations seeking food as a replacement for your cigarettes.

 You can gain a lot of weight from certain drugs that  cause water retention and slow your metabolism.   Examples include: antidepressants, contraceptives, blood pressure pills, antihistamines, diabetes medicines, and mood stabilizers.

 If you just had your baby in your late 30s, you find it more difficult to regain your pre-pregnancy weight.

Our population is aging, our ethnic mix is shuffled, and we are constantly in a group of obese  people.

  We all sit longer then we sleep.  Our sedentary lives  of watching TV, or surfing the Internet, all lead to disease.  We are burning 100 less calories a day than our parents: and it all adds up.   The fat burning lipase enzyme that burns fat stops working and drops 50%.  Just walking around the computer desk for a couple hours would help a lot.

 Removing your tonsils and adenoids  results in a high percentage of kids  suddenly becoming obese by eight years of age.
 Pediatrics 2009: 123: 1095

Most of us are not getting enough sleep, and this increases our hunger and appetite and  cause hormonal changes that lead to weight gain.  Over half the people with sleep apnea are  grossly overweight.   Archives internal medicine September 28, 2010

Your ancestors may have environmentally caused weight gain and these genes are passed on to you and your children.

Skinny  women are less fertile than overweight women. This gives our future generations a better chance to inherit overweight genes.

 In the past, it was suggested that obese people who did not have any metabolic problems, did not have any increased risk of morbidity and mortality, and could safely live with their obesity.  A recent study shows this not to be true.

30% of people or obese are insolent resistant, and 40% have two or more metabolic syndrome risk factors. Only 25% are free of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome factors.  So it looks like, if you are obese, and have no medical problems, you are fooling yourself into thinking you are risk free of heart disease.
  Diabetes Care, December 2009

Reducing diets do not work
 We all know that weight loss diets are not sustainable. It is important to work on your eating patterns. Our diets are terrible and most of us eat high-energy foods as chocolates, and fast foods daily.  After dieting, once you start changing your food choices again, you inevitably fail and regain most of the weight you lost. Most of us could lose weight on a diet with high energy foods as well as some restriction of foods along with some aerobic exercising.

Visit for more discussion of controversial medical topics.

As a medical physician for over 52 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.



 We all know there’s good and bad cholesterol. It turns out that there is also good and bad fat.

 White fat
 White fat is considered bad. It is distributed to widely throughout the body.  These specialized cells is door lipids or adipocytes. They are defined in childhood and stay steady throughout life. 10% of the cells are renewed each year.  The main determinants of obesity are the number of adipocytes and their societies.

All fat cells in the body stays the same since new cells are offset by an equal loss of cells that die. Losing weight as an adult only shrinks the mass of the cells, which is quickly  recovered by new cells.

 It’s hard to maintain the weight you reached after a reducing diet since the new fat cells that laid down fat after weight reduction need to quickly grow in lipids. The adipocytes start to grow around the age of two and grows  twice as fast in people with obesity. It also stops at the age of 16.

It does have its benefits by storing excess energy and providing us with a layer of insulation that keeps us warm. Too much of it however leads to serious health problems.

 Your body stores excess energy by accumulating weight when you consume more calories than you use. When you’re short on food and your body needs extra energy, white fat does come in handy.

 Brown fat
 Brown fat, the  good fat, Acts like a furnace, consuming calories and generating heat. It burns excess energy to generate heat. It is mostly found in newborns, arranged in little pockets around the shoulders and between the shoulder blades.  It is 5% of an infant’s total body mass.  Brown fat provides extra heat to help babies maintain their core temperatures.  As you age, you have less brown fat. Some people however keep brown fat deposits into adulthood.

 Brown fat is activated by temperature changes in the environment. When the baby is cold, brown fat quickly starts producing heat. The heat is generated by little energy factories, called mitochondria, better glucose fat and other nutrients into energy that the cell can use.

 Brown fat cells are packed with mitochondria, making them very opaque.  Brown  fat cells are more dense than mitochondria and almost all other tissues in the body. The inefficiency of these mitochondria make them valuable. Instead of breaking down nutrients into energy that the brown fat cell can use, if it leaks out most of the energy into the form of heat.

 Small  Capillaries around the cells give the fat its brown color. and  transport the heat energy throughout the baby’s body, maintaining the baby’s core temperature

  Most of our weight reduction programs have been targeted towards reducing food intake.  Scientists are now looking for ways to increase the stores of your brown fat and turn  off its metabolism to help you burn calories faster.  If you activate the good that it will help burn off the bad fat.

 It wouldn’t take much as a little bit goes a very long way. Since 3 ounces of brown fat if maximum they stimulated can burn up to 500 calories a day. All of us have small amounts of brown fat around our collarbones and in our necks,  As seen under pets stands and CT scans.  Brown spots show up as hot spots   Women have twice is much as men, but at most only have a half an ounce of brown fat.  Brown fat disappears as we age, and obese people have less than lean people. It is activated by just spending a little time in a cold room.  Exposure to chilly temperatures causes a 15 times increase in the metabolic rate of brown fat than a healthy adult. If this could be activated it would burn at least 9 pounds of white fat each year.

 Researchers are trying to activate brown fat with a drug targeted along the brown fast metabolic pathways. It may be possible to remove a small amount of a person’s brown fat, amplified in a test tube, and transplanted back,  creating your own internal calorie  burning furnace. 

Perhaps just spending more time  outdoors in cool climates could help. If you sat in your home at 60°F versus the comfortable 72 or 80, you might lose weight and help your health. However on the contrary, it might just make you eat more.  A drug might be necessary to increase the metabolic rate also.

 We could tackle obesity, If we could limit the number of adipocytes in children, or reduce the substitution of dead that cells with new ones.  If we could prevent the death of brown cells as we age or reintroduce these cells, we could  also prevent obesity.

Visit for more discussion of controversial medical subjects.

As a medical physician for over 52 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing

Monday, November 1, 2010



I use  to go to  Starbucks  and order a Venti triple expresso.  A new drink called Four Loko, has added some flavoring of taurine, guarine, wormwood (absinthe), and 6 packages of sugar.  It is topped off with 6 cans of compressed beer (12% alcohol)  and I now have a great college drink guaranteed to put me in LaLa land, or possibly the ER.  
If I drank on an empty stomach, my  blood alcohol would read around 0.40 the low end, approaching death.  I can get all this for only $3 at any convenient store.  If I want to get a Four Loko  light, (9% alcohol), I order Joose, and if I want extra lite, Sparks is for me. I can just drink one, and quickly feel wasted,and don’t need any refills.  The nice thing is I am totallly stoned,but wide awake, and manage to somehow drive home. 
Interestingly,  they added wormwood to the beverage, in place of the usual hops I get in my beer.   The wormwood has absenthe,  called the Green fairy, which is used to flavor the beverage.  was abandoned in the US in 1912, but I’m glad the Green fairy is back.
 It has a very bitter taste but the fruity flavor with f a lot of sugar covers the bitterness up.  Normally it’s green in color, but the sugar turns that snowy white.  I hear it was used for putrefaction,  perhaps that’s why I no longer pass gas.   it was used in the past to lower fever and also as an aphrodisiac.   This should counteract the six cans of beer that I would’ve drank instead. 
 There is an oil called thujone,  that makes the wormwood toxic. It stimulates the heart and depresses the brain, (Neat huh!)   I hear it can be toxic to my liver and my brain, but i watch myself and don’t get refills.   Wormwood also contains sangonin,  a substance that makes one dizzy and creates illusions. This might be fun for a night.
 I don’t know why they added  Taurine  to the product. It messes up the sleep wake cycle in my brain and I hear is the reason for the crash I get after I drink highly caffeinated beverages. It stimulates my central nervous system, and I guess that’s why it causes high blood pressure, strokes, seizures, and heart disease.
 I guess the caffeine in Loko  is okay, since I’m hooked on coffee anyway, with  all the Coke, Fixx, Monster, and Rockstar  I drink during the day. When I skip my  caffeine fix,  I feel really tired and depressed, have a little headache and some dizziness, and my muscles feel a little stiff. But all this is gone, once I have my daily energy drinks.  The drink gives me a little buzz, and keeps me awake in the morning for my classes.  
 In the evening, with a can  of LOKO,  I let  “the green fairy” out  to do its magical thing.   The upper lets me speed up, the downer says: “No, slow down, and my heart says sometimes: “ let me stop for a minute and think about it”.

VISIT for more discussion of controversial medical subjects.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.


 Medical use of prescription drugs is second only to marijuana use. Fourteen  million Americans smoke marijuana, and over 6 million Americans take prescription drugs for non-medical uses.   Over 9 million Americans take Darvon, Darvocet, or Tylenol with codeine. ( 2002 national survey on drug use and health/ SAMHSA).  As prescriptions have increased, emergency room visits have  increased even faster. 

 Teenage drug use has skyrocketed. One in 10 12th-graders abused  Vicodin in the past year.( Monitoring the future study, 2004).

EIghteen percent of teens have abused Vicodin, 20% have tried Ritalin or Aderall, and 9% of teens take over the counter cough syrup to get high. An equal number had used ecstasy, LSD, ketamine, heroine, GHB, ice, and cocaine. They find easy access of these drugs through friends and their parent’s medical cabinets.  They find drugs are fun and help them when they are having a hard time. ( Partnership for a drug-free America, April 21, 2005).

 Since production and drug availability have increased, so has the increasing abuse of prescription drugs.  There is more marketing and media attention to obtain pain relief, doctors more frequently prescribed pain relief medication. and the internet has provided more availability.

 People want drugs for pain relief that work right away, are strong, don’t last too long, are smokable, and prefer brand names. The elderly are particularly vulnerable since they have a higher incidence of chronic pain, they don’t understand their prescription directions, they share  their medicines with their golf partners, their family encourages them to take more  medications,  and they fail to understand the drug affects.

 Everyone wants medications, since they are perceived as safe and highly effective.   Patients expect prescriptions, and doctors are pressured to oblige.  Many doctors lack education and understanding of pain treatment.   Addiction sneaks up on you with extraordinary speed. A non-dependent user of drugs controls his use. A dependent person is controlled by his addiction.


 How can you tell if your friend is addicted?
 If they have three or more of the following seven symptoms, they have a problem.  If they use drugs to avoid or reverse withdrawal symptoms, have withdrawal symptoms, tolerate a great deal of medication, are compelled to use the drug when they’re trying to stop, have early relapses when they stop their  medications, have a narrowing behavioral pattern, and find their drug-related behavior is more important than their activities in the world.

 You find your friend fails to fulfill his obligations at work, at home, or at school. He is frequently found in hazardous situations, has legal problems related to drugs, and continues to use drugs despite having drug-related social or interpersonal problems.


 it is time that all of us encouraged our addicted friends to seek treatment. It will prevent an emergency admission from an overdose, and save society a great deal of money. The more access to treatment, the more our society saves.  Otherwise our friends get involved in extensive criminal activity, undergo multiple detoxification’s every year, and are treated for medical co-morbidities, crime activities, and other social problems.

Along with other  modalities. medical acupuncture is a wonderful way to provide detoxification from drug abuse

Save  a friend’s life  by leading him to treatment for his addiction!
 Finding  satisfactory resources:
 Substance abuse and mental health services administration (SAMHSA)
Center for substance abuse treatment
National helpline 800.662-HELP (4357)  (National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

MUTUAL HELP GROUPS (Narcotics anonymous)  (Cocaine anonymous)  (Al-Anon)  (Nar-Anon)  (Families anonymous)  (Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous)  (Sex addicts anonymous) 

Visit for more information on controversial medical subjects.


As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.


 The tobacco industry made over $13 billion profit  last year on 43 million Americans who smoke. Smoking is one of the leading  causes of  health statistics.

 Our government spends billions of dollars on cancer research,  and treatment. Millions are spent on tobacco cessation treatments and advertising.   States receive billions of dollars in tobacco legal settlements. More than 80% of people smoking today really do want to quit and cannot.

 On the other hand, tobacco companies received incentives to export, our government subsidizes tobacco farmers, tobacco companies have tax deductible advertising directed at teenagers, and there is an immense tax deductible lobbying effort and campaigning on behalf of the tobacco industry. The tobacco company helps Medicare funding by having those of us who smoke die sooner, and thus collect fewer Medicare benefits.

 Feeling full, quenching your thirst, bonding with your mates, making more money, gambling, sexual  satisfaction, and the use of drugs,  are all strong reinforcing experiences  that make us feel rewarded.

 Unfortunately, the primitive parts of our brain  control our less primitive basic drives and thoughts.  Our thoughts cannot change, if they are under the control of our primitive parts of our brain.

 Our health care providers all have the impression that it is futile to try to get someone to quit smoking.   They have time constraints, don’t get  reimbursed for their efforts, and frankly lack training in addiction control.   It is estimated that 15% of smokers would quit each year  if doctors continued to emphasize the risks of  smoking, relate their health problems to smoking, show the effects of smoking on their family, and remind them that their children are more likely to smoke if they don’t quit. ( That adds up to 6 million Americans quitting each year).

 Over 85% of Americans who smoke want to quit can’t quit, need help,  and feel powerless.  They must make a firm decision to ask for help, follow directions of their healthcare giver, change their behavior, and trust the cessartion process.  Ask them, who among their acquaintances, has already quit.   They must see the advantages of changing their behavior,  seeing themselves responsible and in control.  they must see that  there are no harmful effects, and change will also promoting long lasting changes in the brain’s circuitry reward system.

 Effective tobacco cessation techniques include: brief counseling, drugs when appropriate, behavioral change with a support system( 12 step AA program), and acupuncture treatments. All these methods work for different people. If you are a smoker, keep an open mind, and remember persistence pays off.

Accept the things you can’t change, have courage  to change the things you can, and get smart enough to know the difference. ( Serenity prayer).

 Seek self-help materials:

Visit for more information on controversial medical subjects.


As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.
 Most of us Americans today, feel beaten up. depressed, angry, and find ourselves in a hopeless frame of mind.  That must change. Here are some thought to help you on your journey of life:
 “You can do anything you believe you can do. You have talent, skills and certainly abilities. Just set your goals and reach them. You certainly know what you want out of life, go after it and get it.
 Start feeling good about yourself. Take some pride in who you are and believe in yourself. Nothing will stop you. You have a lot of determination and can turn your problems into advantages. Look for possibilities and things that other people never give a chance.
You certainly have a lot of energy and are very alive. I see you enjoy life, so start telling it to others. Look ahead and start liking yourself. You can accomplish anything you choose and you must not  let anything negative hold you back or stand in your way.
You have strength, conviction, confidence, and power. You don’t have to be afraid of anything or anyone. Start liking challenges and meet them head on face-to-face.
 Get a clear picture in your mind of what you want and go for it. Seated in front of you and you will know how to get it. It’s all up to you and you certainly know how to do it. Don’t let roadblocks stopped you. They just mean that you are running and alive, and are not going to stand still for anything.
 Start trusting yourself. You have what it takes and plenty of it and certainly know how to use it. You are unstoppable. Get yourself together and start getting more together every day. Say to the world: “Look out, here I come”.
 You have no limitations. I can conquer any challenge and there is no wall you  can’t climb. I can handle any problems around and make them work for you.  You think clearly, are organized, and are in control of yourself and everything about yourself.  People like you and you like to do with people.
No one is going to call your shots for you. You can’t blame anyone else for the circumstances in your life.  Accept them and move beyond them, and start looking for the rewards for your victories. You don’t need perfection,  but expect the very best of what you have to give.  There are no excuses. You will get things done on time, and in the right way,  since you have the inner guts and strength to win.
 You are a super, exceptional, human being.  Since you believe in yourself and have goals, start turning them into reality. You have the power to live your dreams, as long as you believe in them, like you believe in yourself. Your belief is so strong that nothing can weaken your wonderful  spirit. “
Good luck and God Bless you.  Dr. Needles

Visit for more medical discussion of controversial subjects.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Over 1% of our population experiences pain and numbness and loss of manual dexterity and a dominant hand and later both hands. Symptoms include difficulty grasping, inability to pick up small objects, dropping things, and night pain in the wrist. Symptoms include trouble knitting, driving, writing, or using the computer.
 This problem is caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal canal over the wrist.  pressure on the flex or tendon leads to numbness when flexing or extending the  wrist.
 It is very common in women, workers using industrial tools, and in jobs or hobbies that require repeated forceful wrist and hand movements or that we use vibratory tools. The use of computers, bars: scanning, grocery store checkouts, and even playing the drums can precipitate this problem. Symptoms improve with the rest and get worse with activity. Pain can even go up the arm and into the shoulder.
 Often changing the height of your chair at a computer, or eliminating some vibratory tools that work can relieve your symptoms. Daily stretching exercises also help.
Other conditions can masquerade as carpal tunnel syndrome. One can have cervical disc herniation, and compression of the median nerve in the forearm or the elbow.
 Traditionally, the wrist is planted in a neutral position for 3 to 4 weeks permanently, and then for another four weeks part-time. Cortisone injections you merely short-term relief and can cause the nerve to be entrapped.   has symptoms get worse, surgery is offered with carting of the transverse ligament in the wrist.

 The goal is to increase the space for the flex or tendons and the median nerve. Complications include incomplete division of the ligament, nerve injury both motor or sensory, and post stringing of the flexor tendons with adherence. Good results occur in 85%, with 15% having numbness, muscle atrophy, and paresthesias.

 Another  non-surgical solution rarely offered is acupuncture, which increases the blood flow to the adherent area of  carpal ligament, resulting in pain relief by  reducing the swelling of the flexor tendons. acupuncture is safe, cost-effective, and therapeutically very effective and eliminating pain and restoring function to the wrist.
 For more information on controversial medical subjects visit

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chronic headache solutions


 Every day, 10% of us have neck pain and headaches.  Whiplash is the most common cause of chronic headaches. The cervical ligaments are stretched or torn as a result of irritation to the sympathetic plexus around the these cervical vertebral arteries.  Trama precipitates these migraines and if there is mechanical occlusion it adds to the symptoms. Usually these headaches are one-sided, with associated trouble swallowing, noise in the ears, and occasionally some sensory changes. The pain is dull and neck movements are quite limited.

 These headaches originate from the cervical spine that has been damaged: this result in persistent sub-occipital pain. When the neck is moved, the headaches are altered.  A patients with neck pain carries an abnormal posture of his head and neck.

 With swelling of the neck muscles, the first and second cervical roots become compressed and pain is referred to any part of the head by way of the trigeminal nerves in the brainstem. Often psychoneurosis becomes a factor in these chronic whiplash headache cases.

 A routine x-ray rarely shows the true problem, since the patients  has his neck in a neutral position.   The top two cervical vertebrae, the Atlas which is circular ( C-1), and the Axis  which  looks like a Mexican hat or top ( C2), become displaced. The second cervical vertebrae should fit nicely inside the first one.

Unfortunately the ligaments from C2 that connect and hold the ligaments in place  are weakened  by trauma and  put pressure on the arteries to the back of the brain.  An x-ray with the patient’s head held back shows more than 3 mm between the back rim of the Atlaa and the front border  of C2.   Such an x-ray is rarely taken because the technician fears the patient may faint without a physician present. Acupuncture to the area strenthens these ligaments to hold the two vertebrae in place.

 Various medications and manipulations are prescribed for chronic headaches, but rarely work.  The FDA has recently approved the use of Botox injections for chronic headache patients.   This involves a shotgun method with 36 sites injected with this toxic poison, hoping to paralyze the right muscles.  It alleviates headaches by paralyzing the muscles of the neck and face.   The procedure is repeated every three months.

 It is amazing that the general public  does not realize that acupuncture  is quite successful in safely relieving these headaches, and is both cost-effective,  and  therapeutically effective.

Visit for more information on medically controversial subjects.

 As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies.  Visit or more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Ovee 70% of women and 50% of men have disabling headaches. Often emotional stress is implicated, but many people have headaches at time of stress free weekends. It is difficult to label a headache by its type, as muscle contraction headaches are often confused with other headaches.
Headaches often occur because of stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, eating cheese and wine and other tyramine foods, MSG, nitrites in  hot dogs, chocolates, flickering lights, missed meals, allergens, and vaso-dilating drugs.
Many headache treatments exist and most are ineffective. The drugs  become habitual, have dangers of overdoses, often contain large amounts of caffeine, combines sedatives and nausea suppressors, and over the counter analgesics. The most common medications are  beta blockers, which frequently result in fatigue, impotence,  and exercise intolerance.
 The aim of all the treatments is to reduce the frequency and severity of the headaches and to terminate  a series of headache attacks.  Doctors attempt behavioral alterations and psychotherapy in patients who are perfectionists, ambitious, fearful, or sensitive to the opinions of others.
 Headaches result in excessive contraction of the neck and scalp muscles, and are seen frequently because of occipital atlas-axial syndromes, intervertebral disc problems, inflamed spinal column ligaments, inflammation of the periosteum of vertebral bodies, spasm of the cervical muscles attached to bone, pinched cervical nerve roots, and vertebral arteries being compromised.  
 All of the above are effectively treated by acupuncture, which also can prevent these headaches.   Many of these headaches are  labeled  tension headaches with involuntary contraction of the scalp and cervical muscles. Scalp acupuncture can induce muscle relaxation  and be a  very effective treatment.
Recently Botox has been approved as a treatment for chronic migraine headaches. Generally 36 injections are placed in the scalp, forehead,  temples,  and neck.   This toxin  paralyzes the muscles  that are in spasm.  Repeat treatments are required every three months.  The cost for many is prohibitive.
 Headaches result in 3 million bedridden days each year, $17 billion of lost labor each year, five times more diagnostic tests, three times more drug costs, increase in emergency room visits, three times the increase in psychiatric disorders, and numerous visits to family doctors, internists, emergency room physicians, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, and neurologists.
 It’s about time, that acupuncture gets its day in the sun to relieve and prevent this malady.  It is safe, cost-effective, and above all therapeutically effective.
Visit for more discussion of controversial medical subjects.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies.  Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


 Many doctors have been using Botox for unapproved uses as headache and pain. Now  the FDA has approved the drug to treat chronic migraines.
The current pain medications for chronic migraines are rarely effective and do not prevent future migraines. Over 12% of Americans suffer from throbbing pulsating pain of migraines.
The Botox drug company, Allergan,  paid $600 million to settle criminal and civil allegations last month.   Botox is a pure live form of the toxin of botulinum,, and is a nerve poison produced by the bacteria that causes botulism. 
Injections paralyze nerves signals the certain muscles and glands.  A typical migraine Botox treatment involves 31 interjections and seven areas including the forehead, temples, back of the head, neck and shoulders. These are given every three months. The cost has been prohibitive to many people.
Botox has already been approved for uncontrolled blinking, some neck muscle problems, underarm sweating, increased muscle stiffness in the hands and elbows, and of course for cosmetic purposes, to smooth the lines between the eyebrows.
 People still see Botox as a cosmetic product, but the drug company has promoted therapeutic indications that now far surpass Botox use in cosmetics.  Botox sales are over $1.3 billion, half of them from medical not cosmetic uses.  This approval for severe migraines, should get them more than $1 billion annually by the next four years.
 The FDA conceded that Botox is of no value in treating or preventing  migraines that occur less than 14 days a month. However we all know, that it will be used for everyone with migraines.  Botox has a black box warning that it can migrate to other parts of the body, and can cause death.
 A safer route might be to have medical acupuncture treatments which are cost-effective and much more effective than this toxic poison.

Visit   me, drneedles, @ for more discussion of controversial medical issues that confront you daily.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit for more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



When you diet you don't realize you  are doomed to failure because you attack your belly rather than your behavior. Most of us care about our bodies as much as our homes. Any quick fix in the weight loss scheme is doomed for failure-- and will actually make you fatter.
To get things done, you must  desire it, and persevere in your actions.  Successful weight loss demands that you cut your caloric intake, eat low-fat high-fiber meals, and exercise regularly.
 Why do you still go on eating  when you are stuffed? This often happens after a special meal on Thanksgiving, but is a daily event.  We eat without being hungry. We are constantly snacking, especially from 8:30 PM to bedtime.  Most of the desire for food seems to come from the mouth. In the evenings, most of America opens her pantry doors, stare into the refrigerators, and without success, look into the freezer.
You eat because you are bored, and keep looking  for snacks that are very salty and crunchy full of artificial flavors and colors, that will give your tongue and teeth something to play with.  You feel deprived and know you really deserve this snack. Yet you  never choose healthy foods at snack time.  While eating, you find all your negative feelings start disappearing.  You soon start feeling uncomfortable, but never really satisfied.  You see yourself to eating at the kitchen counter and right in front of an open refrigerator door.
 Your response to these emotions is not instinctive, but a learned behavior and therefore can be unlearned.  Most impulses come and go rapidly and evaporate.   Eating is a semi-conscious state and is not motivated by real hunger, but by habit and shallow negative feelings.
 By using a delaying tactic, run from the kitchen, do something for 10 minutes, and see if this hunger impulse  was truly sincere.  Then  renegotiate the entire eating matter. Shut the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator doors, put everything back in the refrigerator and quickly leave the kitchen. Start putting all these things all the snacks in one place and hide them somewhere in the kitchen where you will not accidentally find them. Make all the non-stack items in the refrigerator easily visible.
 It’s gotten late, you are tired, and your mind is become drug. You look for food to help you stay awake. Certainly something sweet will raise your blood sugar, and give you an energy boost for while.    You find yourself eating because the food is right there. Your mouth starts chewing anything  insight,  anything small enough to be devoured.
Ask yourself, why are you staying up so late in the first place? Do you really want to see the replay of the football games, watch an old movie, or Fox political news. Cutting out these late hours, will create a couple more hours of sleep where you will be refreshed in the morning and not have to confront food.
 Make a bargain with yourself find a magazine you have not read and take it to the bathroom or bedroom and read a juicy article. Find a new hobby and really get involved in it. Go outside and start walking for exercise.  Pick a certain time of day when you need them most, and schedules some kind of new activity during that time.
Strategies to win the battle
 To win the Battle of the Bulge, you must know your enemy.  Find a battleground where you eat.  You find yourself eating in front of the TV, in the kitchen standing, at the counter preparing dinner, perhaps in bed while reading,  or even  munching while driving,   You find yourself multitasking with food, using food as background music.
 Make dinner a ritual and make your meal organized. Only put on a table where you want to eat at that meal. But the rest in the refrigerator or freezer. If you really are still hungry, wait 10 minutes,  and get yourself some more food.. Your stomach is not a garbage can,  and how will that good food look on your belly and butt?
.Stop what you are doing and eat without doing anything else.  Start enjoying your food in the right way.  Eat your food from a plate or in a bowl, take it to your dining table, sit down and enjoy every mouthful.  Start paying attention to the food in front of you. Look at it, smell it, taste it, chew it, think about how it feels.
 Put some signs in the kitchen:
 Are you really hungry
 Take a 10 minute timeout.
  Wet your mouth and throat: drink two glasses of water. 
 No reading or TV here in the kitchen while eating
 Please eat only at the table.
 Where is your plate?
 Put all the rest of the food away please before you start eating.
 Think thin.  Lose some weight right now by leaving the kitchen.
 Use the garbage disposal.Throw some food away, and leave a dirty plate with some food on it.
  Wait a while  after you come home before you start eating.  Don’t eat so fast, give your appetite center a chance to signal you when you are full. Put all your focus on the meal, and avoid watching TV or reading while eating. How does the food look on your plate? Take a bite of some foods, put down your fork, Junior of food and real slow, and enjoy the flavor, the aroma and the texture of the food. Eating can be enjoyable so why hurry it up. Make love to the food on your plate by moving it around cutting it up, and tasting it before chewing.

Now get up and go for a well deserved walk.  It may be all you need to lose that belly,

Visit for more tips on weight loss.

As a medical physician for over 51 years, I strive to give you the best medical information on controversial medical subjects, and help your read betwwen the lines. You must come to your own conclusions. I have no ties to any organization, pharmaceutical, or lobby group. As an practicing medical acupuncturist since 1982, I find western medicine and medical acupuncture are very complimentary. This results in astounding healing in pain management, addictions to cigarettes and food, and a host of other maladies. Visit drneedles is blogging" at the end of each blog for a complete alphabetical list of all my blogs Visit www.americanacupuncture.comfor more detailed information on mind, body, and spirit healing.
