Sunday, March 22, 2009


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Early exposure to food allergens can compromise an immature immune system.  Over 25% of Americans have symptoms of food allergies, but only 3% actually have food allergies.  The food allergies are water-soluble glycoproteins of plants and animals.  They stay stable with heat, acid, and proteases.

Milk and egg allergies are the two most common food allergies in the United States, affecting 3 percent and 2 percent of children.  Young kid have allergies to cow’s milk, hen’s eggs, peanuts, sesame and tree nuts.  By age 7, over 75% of these allergies disappear One does not, however,  outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and sesame seed. Rarely are wheat and soy allergens.  Adults are allergic to shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts and fish.

Egg allergy is one of the eight most common food allergens. The FDA has labeling regulations, in bold print, that require “egg” appear on the label.  Unfortunately, you must learn the different names eggs can appear on labels.


Food allergies can cause  localized hives to life threatening anaphylaxis.  The skin can get hives, flush, and get angioedema.  The bowel can react with vomiting, pain, cramping and diarrhea.  The lungs can become asthmatic and the nose may run.

Young children can get mood changes and an aversion to a food.  Suspect a problem is there is wheezing shortly after eating.  Once there is sensitization, respiratory allergies as asthma and rhinitis can develop, and must be suspected if, as a child, there was an egg allergy. Not only do more kids have allergies, but also fewer of them outgrow their allergies, and those who do, do so later than before. The higher the level of antibodies, the less likely it is that a child would outgrow the allergy any time soon.

Eczema and food allergies often resolve in children.  Suspect a food allergy if your baby has severe eczema, and it might clear by eliminating eggs and other food allergens.   If asthma develops after food allergies, anaphylactic reactions are possible but extremely rare.

The kind of symptoms and the timing after exposure to the food allergen are very important.   Inhalation exposure during cooking can lead to wheezing.  Oral exposure generally causes bowel symptoms.  Over a third of kids with egg allergies will develop allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds.

Vaccines:  Since influenza vaccine is made in chicken egg cultures, it should be avoided or given in tiny doses under supervisions in children with egg allergy.  Mumps and rubella vaccinations are ok (MMR).    Recent treatment with monoclonal antibodies is used for adults with peanut allergies and is also effective for allergic asthma and rhinitis.


Eggs are in macaroni and tubed shaped pastas, but rarely in flat noodles.  Cholesterol lowering egg replacements in the refrigerator sections almost all are made from eggs.  Eggs are used in cakes as a leavening agent; in cookies it serves as a binder and to add moisture. 


Quiches can be made from tofu. Bananas and applesauce can replace eggs to add the moisture; baking soda can help leaven cakes.  Adding a bit of mustard, to tofu can give your quiche a yellow color.  In a pinch, vinegar and water or soda can be a good egg replacer.

Food allergens can compromise an immature immune system. Eczema and food allergies often resolve in children.  Suspect an allergy if shortly after eating your child develops, hives, excema, or wheezing. Eliminate eggs and milk and most of the time it will disappear.  By age seven,  75% of the children will outgrow their allergies to milk and eggs.  Do not allow an influenza vaccination be given until you discuss it with your doctor.

 Visit for more controversial medical blogging.  Your comments are always appreciated.

Sources:,,, NEJM Sept. 18,2008


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the US, US produced egg noodles are the only products with eggs (standard of identity 5.5% egg solids required). Fresh pasta from Italy has eggs (liquid eggs). Macaroni doesn't contain eggs in the US. It is required that eggs be listed if added.
