Saturday, December 1, 2007

Facial Diagnosis


Acupuncture can change the markings and wrinkles on your face by balancing the meridians that connect through the face. Because of this I would like to discuss how we doctors size up you the patient in our physical diagnosis. Face reading is a universal language. Even newborns read faces. Expression is a non-verbal way to communicate; hard for foreign language barriers to use only words.

The face has both structural and emotional areas. The markings of the face tell who you are, what you felt, and tells your future. Under 25 years of age you have the face of a mother. Between 25-50 years of age your face tells what fate has done for you. Over 50 your face says what you deserve.

Your face carries 14 generations of traits. Some do not match. Your level of personality can alter genetic structures and hide you lineage. When you look into a mirror you see a projection of who you are. As you see photos of yourself in the past you see structural changes in your face.

This facial map in women is on the right side and in men on the left side. (Remember that women are yin, passive, and right side dominant. Men are yang, active, and left side dominant.) Marks will show often on one side (the dominant side) more than the other side. Face marks tell how you feel and what has happened to you.

When analyzing features of a person, look at both sides especially the left side of the face. Use your left eye and look into the other persons left eye. Doing this can always sense deception.

The memory of trauma is stored in the amydala of the brain. The fear that occurs after an accident will show as a mark on the face. On an instinctive level as early as preverbally, the memories are stored in the amydala and sets patterns and early childhood imprints. Therapy can rewire the cortex but not phobias that occur preverbal.


Markings can occur even with in-utero experiences, which can set up patterns. Neuropeptides cross the placental barrier. It is important to ask how mom was when she was carrying you. One can see dented dark depressed area over the uterus representation of the ear when doing ear acupuncture. A man will show changes on his left ear. The top ½ inch of the ear shows changes that may be due to in-utero problems. Preemies show indentations over this area. Blue babies experiencing anoxia at birth will show an indentation or notch over this area from trauma caused by anoxia. If one sees a carved out area something was taken away or it was a bumpy turbulent delivery. After the age of seven the other ear will show trauma markings.
Ears, (water element) constitutionally relate to the kidney and reproductive organs. They should be firm, flexible and bounce back. The cartilage in the ear should be strong. When it is frozen in texture this signifies a strong constitution and a tendency for high blood pressure. Water in the ear wants to flow. Large ears signify a strong Chi. They are risk takers and gamblers. Ears get longer with age. When the ears are broad at the bottom, signify physical risk takers. Long ears are a sign of wisdom and lack of fear. Small ear lobes are seen in people who think of the now and not the future. Long ear lobe people think of living a long time and are careful, thinking of the future not the present.

When the ears are close to the face, people are more attached to family and friends. They also are very sensitive to noise. People with ears that protrude can tune people out easily, are stubborn, don't listen, and can't be told what to do. People with high ears are famous, and those with low ears have mental problems. People who have their ears tipped back tend to think in the abstract.


The bridge of the nose, if abnormal before the age of 40, signifies a spleen deficiency. If this area is pale, one often finds low blood sugar. If the bridge of the nose is gray or dark, diabetes must be suspected. Hard living, virus, immune problem, or tendency for cancer can cause abnormalities at the bridge of the nose. If this occurs after 40, it has no significance.

Critical markings can occur on the central part of the nose. Many doctors show these markings from lack of rest, sleep, and long hours. When the way of living changes the spleen gets recharged and these deep markings start to disappear. The tip of the nose displays changes when a heart attack is pending (puffy nose), vascular deficiencies with stagnation (gray and white tip of nose). A crease on the top of the tip of the nose is seen in emotionally broken hearts and feeling of abandonment. When the nose tips up, one is sentimental; a nose that tips down signifies distrust. One with a pointed nose loves to solve mysteries. A rounded nose is seen in people who overindulge.

The bigger the nose, the bigger the ego and the larger the lung capacity. As these people inhale they fill themselves up and also fill their egos. A small flat now person usually works in groups and pacify. They are socially important. Europeans have large noses. A person with a slender long nose doesn't care about money, and lives frugally. He wants to suffer and live for ideals.

If the bridge of the nose is wide, money is being made; when the nostrils are large, money is spent easily. A person with a large and narrow nose values money; small nostrils are seen in people who save money. When the tip of the nose is up, you have a sentimental person.

A person who broke his nose generally has back problems. When you see a curve to the nose, you find often scoliosis (curvature of the back).

A person with a fleshy nose places value on the best of things and is very materialistic (wants the best car, best home etc.). A wide nose person wants things, while a narrow nose person seeks ideals.

Having a nose job plastic surgery can be troublesome since you lose power when you lose your nose. Noses, like ears, grow with age.


The depression above the upper lip is called the philtrum. It represents the reproductive area. There are variations of grooves. Seen in women with many children and in creative people. Women having had a total hysterectomy display a strong line across the fulcrum. Also seen in men with enlarged prostates. Women who have abortions have irregular indentations in this groove. There is darkness in the philtrum when irregular menstrual bleeding occurs. This area is white when there is no blood in the uterus. It is puffy if fibroids are present. In pregnancy, if this area is very light, one must be careful of miscarriage. When this area is wide, the person is very fertile, when narrow infertility is often a problem. Lines outside the philtrum occur when worried about other people: lines inside the philtrum occur when worried about children. People who are worried about their kids often have a vertical line down the center of this groove. It is also seen in people who are caretakers to their parents. When a horizontal line is present, often the individual does not want children.


The mouth and lips are connected to the earth element and involve the spleen and stomach meridians. Sunken lips are a sign of digestive weakness. Puffy lips are a sign of strong digestion. A dark color on the upper lip is seen in food intolerance, lactose intolerance, and people who eat too much of one thing (e.g. cheese). Redness above the upper lip is a sign of stomach trouble. Often see whiteness over the lip.
Tight lips are seen in prudent people.(the earth wants to merge).

Lines above the lip occur when the empty nest syndrome hits and when there is time to become creative and think of the purpose of living. Smoking lines are a earth element issue and are vertical lines above the lips Deep vertical lines around the lip are caused by obsessive worrying.

When the lower lip has many lines or dips, the person often laughs or smiles a lot. When the lower lip is etched up, the person can pick up problems.

Lips are connected to the intestines. A swollen lower lip is seen in constipation, and in people that crave and need pleasure. Opera singers have large strong lips, signifying strong diaphragms. They are earthy large and heavy people. A flaccid lower lip is seen in prostitutes and sexually addicted persons. Full upper lips signify a desire for attention and exaggeration. Large lips are an earthy sign; such persons are generous, sensitive, and love soft things. Thin lips are a sign of sexuality. They give things away but never give of themselves. People with large and wide mouths are generous and give easily of themselves. Angry people tighten their lips. Type A people press their lips together and have swollen lips. They try not to show emotion and tighten up their upper bodies. Subsequently they get upper body muscle problems.

The mouth has two functions: eating and communication. People with big wide mouths love to eat. Small and thick mouths are seen in the healthy. Introverted people have inverted corners to the mouth. Wrinkled mouths are seen in the lonely and non-communicative people. Short-tempered people have small mouths and thick lips. Happy wives and mothers have a thick lower lip and the corners of the mouth curve upward. Gossipy jealous people have the corners of the mouth slant downward. Puckering prune mouths are a sign of bitterness. The lines are diagonal. These people follow the rules and say: " I am lucky". This type of lip is also seen in adult diabetes and cancer patients.


Eyes are the heart channel. Big eyes signify a receptive person who sees a lot and expresses a lot. Narrow eyes are a function of thinking and are seen in mental stress and detailed work with squinting. The left side tells who you are. If the left eye is wider than the right the person is emotional. If the left eye is narrower the person is analytical.

Joy lines under the eye are caused by endorphins released because of humor. Too much excitement is bad for the heart. Painkillers put out the fire channel. Eyes that slant upward are seen in open-minded people. Closed-minded people have eyes that slant downward.

Eyes that are small and triangular are seen in people who are opinionated. If you don't follow their belief, you will be cut off. They surround themselves with people like them.


The eyebrows are controlled by the liver meridian (wood element). Tweezing the eyebrows or constant anger result in the temples of the eyebrows being irregular, with the right side thinner and the left side thicker. Pain lines are diagonal lines across the outside corners of the eyes. They can be physical or emotional. They are always worse when one tries to hide the pain. The left side is always worse.

When the eyebrows are raised, you appear aloof and it places boundaries on others. When the eyebrow is close to the eye you feel bonding with people and have eye expectations of people (classic coaches eyebrows).

Deep and large eyelids are a sign of loving deeply, responding fully, and good at suffering. Shallow eyelids are seen in people who don't let emotions affect them. When the outside of the eyelid droops, signifies a person overly analytical, picky, self critical, and often having autoimmune disease (allergy, rheumatoid arthritis, viral infections). A straight eyelid is seen in persons who see other's points of view and can pull back from a situation. Rounded eyelids are seen in subjective persons who think how others feel.


Tweezing the eyebrows or constant anger result in the temples of the eyebrows being irregular, with the right side thinner and the left side thicker. The eyebrows are controlled by the liver meridian (wood element).

The inner edge of the eyebrow is a liver element and the outer edge is controlled by the gall bladder meridian. If eyebrows are back it indicated strength. When they grow together it indicates the person does not follow the rules and wants to cause trouble to get excitement. When the arch is up and down, the person likes to make up his mind fast and then do things quickly.

When the eyebrows go in opposite directions, it signifies the person will say no and change his mind. Eyebrows that are long signifies many friends and the person does ask for help. Short eyebrows signify few friends and rarely asking for help. Abnormalities of the outside of the eyebrow (gall bladder element) signify one must always pay back for any gift received. Tapered eyebrows are seen in artists. Demanding people have long eyebrow hairs.

Two vertical lines between the eyebrows is seen in diffuse anger. When three or more lines are present, anger is managed.


Bluish sclera is a sign of lung and kidney deficiencies. When yellow, cloudy or gray, often there are toxins, flu, or virus present. When the eyes are very white, one has a strong liver. Red eyes means, the liver is overloaded by outside toxins. When the white of the eye is see under the pupil, signifies tiredness, sadness, and depleted adrenals.

When one can see the white of the eye above and below the pupil, this is seen in people with power that get assassinated. When one sees the white of the eye only above the pupil, this signifies the brain stem is overactive and is seen in hysteria or violent crazy people.


Under the eyes reflects the kidney function. If a deficiency Is present as in dehydration, there are black spots under the eyes. They occur after exercising because water is removed from the area during vigorous exercise. There is also a depression above the cheekbone and chronic dark circles under the eyes with chronic dehydration. This is also true in allergies and in individuals on diuretics. One can counteract this by drinking distilled water, soups, and taking mineral supplements. The color of the circles under the eyes signifies the degree of hurt (pink, red, purple, very dark).


The temples and cheeks are connected. They get pulled in with illness and death. The temple connects with the creative mind and the need to escape. If they are large, full, and dark, it is self-destructive from medication, alcohol, and smoking. Deep temples are seen in people that hate their jobs and want to leave. Hollow temples are seen I creative people. Light temples are seen in spiritual people.

Hollow cheeks and discoloration are seen in people with asthma and lung disorders with lack of breathing. If the left cheek is hollow and dark, often the immune system is compromised. People, who are bossy to the outside world but wimpy at home, have the right cheekbone more prominent than the left. They also have the right bite area larger (the TMJ area).

Bony cheek bones make one look authorative. People believe them even if they are stupid. They are forceful and convincing people. Cheekbones that go high up above the ear, are seen in adventuresome people who want variety and freedom. When the cheekbone is horizontal, it is seen in people who don't want to leave home and are not adventuresome.

Cheekbones that fill out to the jaw (money bags) are seen in people who act like they are rich; people assume it by their appearance and they usually get rich.
The brow bone when prominent is a sign of aggressiveness. When the brow line is all across the forehead, the person is dominant and will not be told what to do and is in charge all the time.


A receding chin signifies vulnerability, being dominated by someone else in the past. A prominent chin signifies strong will. A chin that tips up signifies stubbornness; one that is pointed signifies emotion. One can practice getting into a military position and lifting the chin and looking stubborn. People with big chins live to a ripe old age.

A strong jaw shows strength in the liver, determination to fight for what is right. A jaw too large is seen in people who fight about everything. People with wide jaws are not swayed. People with narrow jaws are swayed by circumstance and cannot fight in hard times. When one grits his teeth, the angle of the jaw protrusion is best seen.


Frustration, irritation, and impotence will result in vertical line in the eyebrows. Vertical lines are expression lines and are the easiest to remove. You can rid yourself of wrinkles by using scotch tape over the wrinkles and stop repeating the expression that caused them. Basically, habits cause wrinkles.

Vertical dark lines form from over work and depressed immunity. When present in th middle of the forehead, the person loves solitude. Three vertical lines indicate longevity. Lines crossing each other on the forehead indicate a hard life of poverty and misfortune.

Horizontal lines are lines of experiences and they don't go away. When tracking health problems one looks to the middle of the face, which shows traumatic happenings.

When numerous lines are found on the outer corners of the eyes, this also signifies a hard life. These people have sex appeal even at an old age.

Vertical lines flanking the mouth are called falins. People with strong falins have strong power over others. Aggressive people have falins some distance from the mouth. People who have these lines run into the mouth usually die early in life. (before 50). Short, crooked, and shallow falins usually make poor leaders.


As we age, our faces develop wrinkles, change their shapes, and our noses and ears grow. Many changes are secondary to traumas to our various meridian systems. Often acupuncture can reverse and rejuvenate the face as well as the organ systems impaired. I hope this little summary is entertaining and of value to you.

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